The sort of things that you would experience while endearing the training and nurturing of CHAS-MAL awareness. A new style of conscience, but one that you have to be able to turn on and off. To know when TO turn it on and how to control it and yourself. Correlating your life in relative tense and understanding, and being able to keep them separated. Once achieved, by now you are an elder. This is a long JOURNEY and there are but FEW shortcuts. See ya around!
Some of you by now can relate to the notion of prejudice, where it might account for spiritual orientation. The closest function that we all know was called and performed while I was staying in South Carolina. The response from across the Air was 'stop it,....hold it,...that's not right', and the whole time this is a function that belongs to the individual for soothing and protection, the individual mind you,.....I'd never heard such mess in my life. This sends the idea that there will only be one idea and one idea only. This is not the way it should be especially while marauders are trying to literally steal your life, one day at a time. @#$$#@**!
A lot of phenomena are causing people to re-assess the lineage of their own discipline. Is it a rather? or is it a result of fact?
Just playing? I feel sorry for you!
Something other than what we are prepared for may be on the verge of happening, from past events in the history of man and earth. Some of the most profound things have been happening,......to ME! These things must be a sign of the reemergence of the characters of mythological liturgy. Only thing about it, I don't think they'll be here to be mere characters at all. The earth as well seems to be evolving to the point of the need of attention of the experts on GEOLOGY, but somehow I don't think geology has enough play in the scenario. Know what I mean?
Needing to be able to stand for proper philosophy, has no easy version when it comes to the times that we are now faced with. Do be sure that there are allies around, even though it seems that you are the only one that cares. In such times, with bravery comes wisdom. This means that you do not have to take risks that will beyond reason, endanger you. Be sure that there are ways and means to alert the one's that can hold the matter of difference in their hands. Preserve then what you know to be the best known, long term virtue.
These things done but casually will bring good results, to the point of your wanting to be more efficacious, this is paradoxical in that it is good to feel good, but don't forget the medicine you've taken nor its source. Find the nuance.
Passages of displeasure. Are they only yours to author?