Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Some of the things that cause our minds to wellspring! Some not all bad, some not all good, but nonetheless,
 the ideas that give us the life that we have. In this country at least.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I'm having a hard time trying to ascertain whether some of these occurances are simply the way things pan-out, or is the fact that I'm being literally taken for granted. I won't lie from the sense of being maneuvered, but once I begin to engage in what we call the balance of the situation, the other side of the see-saw hangs in the air a little too long. Especially for my tastes! There must be another way. Let's see, if we don't socialize with whom we call the bad-guy, would this make the scenario any better from the public aspection, because people do watch you. Isn't that right.
What's up? Getting used to the new 'channel' of things? Good! As the year slowly comes to an end, we will begin to feel a little more at ease about ourselves. But we must think, study and meditate to keep ourselves in good spiritual shape. The sad thing about being a 'changed being' is that our work is never finished. This you will find to be true on far too many occasions, but hang in there, it all comes to virtue of many kinds. Every once-in-a-while, the situation becomes tangible enough to consider the broad nature of man's mind and his doings. This is pretty deep! Yet I'll try to keep it simple enough to read in less than five minutes........I hope. Scribble (post) you later when something good comes to mind.